Chapter 1.  Beware of all Synthetic Chemicals, Ingestible and Non-Ingestible, including Drugs and Additives [To be added to my new book, “My Psilocybin Trip”]

They are all poisons, meaning innately having side effects some of which become new diseases, generating the vicious cycle (VC).  The presence of this VC begets new diseases that require more new drugs to treat.  That perpetuates the VC.  

This VC is only possible when synthetic drugs are used in therapy because they are brand-new to our planet, made mostly from toxic petroleum.   We intentionally ingest these soluble chemicals (drugs and additives) into our body, not being aware of what they may have been doing to our body while helping us in solving some short-term problems.  Unlike traditional medicines (e.g., herbs) that have been tested and used by our forebears for millennia and more, our modern medicines (synthetic drugs) have no more than around 100 years of serious use history tops, and most only a few decades. 

Not  just the ingestibles, non-ingestibles are even much worse, though their effects don’t appear until decades later.  Take plastics.  They first pollute our environment, then as they decay over  numerous decades, eventually into micro and nano particles, to enter our body via our food and water.  These are only one group of many inedible synthetics for our living comfort and convenience.  After many decades, we are now beginning to know about them as microplastics.  So, again, our born free will lets us do what we like but we have had so much fun and made so much money that we don’t think about our other fellow humans.  Even though our conscience hits us now, it may be too late.  Regardless, we must do something and NOT accept defeat.  I hope my friends and colleagues will wake up!

  1. Problems with our viewing Modern Health  Sciences based on Single Chemicals by Themselves or within Complex Media like Herbs and Living Organisms.

As scientists and/or innovators, many of us are dense and most simply follow the crowd.  Each of us keep digging our hole (a specialty or  chemical) deeper and deeper, never surface aboveground to observe what our digging has done to our scenery (health & environment). 

Since our synthetic era began 200 plus years ago, we have increasingly been making countless brand-new inherently toxic chemicals from mostly toxic petroleum.  These ingestible and non-ingestible chemicals steadily and quietly damage our environment and health, especially in recent decades.   There is no abatement but endless destruction, worsening day by day.   Furthermore, many of us who are from Europe, enticed and encouraged by capitalism, have been  invading and exploiting natives around the world for centuries now.  They continue to produce entitled descendants who seriously believe they own the world, hence filthy gazillionaires like Elon Musk, who have no shame or morals, only with a me, me, me mentality, behaving like a spoiled 9-year-old brat, recently stolen his rich parents’ treasure trough with help from his 10-year-old buddy

We cannot analyze this phenomenon without looking at the broad picture that includes the following topics that I have already published throughout my writings, otherwise we may simply continue to dig deeper holes: 

—Vicious cycle of synthetic drug therapy – synthetic vs natural – drugs vs additives & their impurities

—The modern evidence-based science vs traditional experience & wisdom (drugs & herbs), the time factor (esp. weeks/months for computer-made vaccines vs years/decades for traditional ones)

—Declining capitalism vs a form of socialism – DeepSeek vs US gazillionaires in new open-source superior AI developed in a tiny fraction of time and cost (months vs years/$6M vs >$300B)

—Should utilize more of our planet’s intangible cosmic elements (light, microwave, electromagnetic, Chinese Chi/Qi, etc.)

—Be more aware of human limits (ignorance, arrogance, etc.) often manifested as self-grandeur or narcissistic and  psychotic fantasy, playing God or the Invincible /Infallible.

2. Drug Therapy with Synthetic Chemicals is Bad for our Environmental and Health!

Drug therapy using synthetic chemicals always produces side effects and/or new diseases, no matter how scientific we always claim it to be.  It has been over 200 years now.   Because of this, we continue to have ill health and an increasingly polluted environment.  Some major corrections have to be made regarding the increasing number of synthetic chemicals (drugs & additives) being continuously churned out by the synthetic process, especially during recent decades, which few people notice. 

Since toxic drug therapy needs something else besides its synthetic chemicals to ameliorate their toxic effects to better its current  status, the most logical and safe way is to bypass synthetics with natural chemicals or traditional medicines (like herbs) that have been time-tested by our ancestors over millennia and handed down to us.  This chapter is based on the concept of complementing or bypassing modern drug therapy with natural traditional medicines (herbs) that have been time-tested to be safe and effective by our  ancestors. 

3. Synthetics (Drugs/Additives) vs Naturals (Traditional Medicines/Herbs) and the Vicious Cycle (VC). 

First, let’s take drug therapy using synthetics vs traditional medicines.  The biggest difference lies in their length of time of experience and their resulting accumulated wisdom.  The pre-therapy testing (in vitro & in vivo) is scientific; so is testing in animals to some extent.  Testing in humans, such as clinical trials in extended periods of time, is not necessarily scientific, because synthetics are innately toxic, and contain impurities whose toxicities are seldom, if ever, tested.  Hence, our modern synthetic drugs always have side effects, and we are not sure where they come from, making them carry an important unknown due to their impurities.  Thus, with such a big uncertainty, is modern drug therapy still scientific?   Furthermore, synthetics, brand-new to our planet and with unknown toxicities, are the only chemicals that create the VC – the fountain of gold for Big Pharma & Co. but doom for modern-drug consumers.

In contrast, traditional medicines, like herbs, have been tested and then used by humans since ancient times.  We know which herbs are safe to take and which ones are toxic to avoid.  Some civilizations keep detailed written records and have tens, or hundreds, of thousands of herbal formulas, like in Chinese medicines.   Many of them are still being used up to this day, despite ignorance, self-interest and/or greed had prompted some drug experts to try unsuccessfully to remove traditional medicines from modern healthcare during past decades.  They claimed these medicines were not scientific, not being aware that most modern drugs, after clinical trials and approval, are subjected to the same process of trial-and-error that our ancestors used eons ago to develop our traditional Chinese medicines that are still widely used today!  Though many of these (now as ‘supplements’), are being promoted with American exaggeration (lies) as ‘modern’ and being sold at double or several times the prices of their Chinese counterparts.  Since there are still no identity and quality standards for such commercial products after my openly advocating them for 30 plus years, any 2 such products with their labels containing the exact same herbal ingredients can be different as night and day on TLC/HPTLC fingerprinting.  This is through my personal experience with my products vs those typical on the market.  For years I have owned my production facilities, lab, and library of Chinese medicines/herbs. I have never openly advertised for clients, large and small.  They just came by word of mouth.  A few are well-known.  The products I formulated and produced for them contain Chinese tonic herbs (that double as food and medicine) and used daily over centuries/millennia by the Chinese population.  My family and I still use them, especially for cold and flu and minor aches and pains

While Pharmacopoeias like the UPS/NF, AHP, BP, and ChP all have detailed identity and quality standards for raw materials/herbs, they do not have them for the finished, commercial products.  I have never understood why, especially we are in an American marketing world that is prone to exaggerations and lies.   Hence, with drug chemicals that meet the raw chemicals’ standards of identity and quality, you can test them in the finished products.  Not so with complex herbal products, as there are no identity and quality standards for them in the finished products!  Because of this, I have lost most of my products and their trademarks.  Except for one of my multimillion-dollar clients, I don’t believe the founder of a billion-dollar client of mine was involved in switching to cheaper imitations/adulterations.   Some second- or third-level managers were responsible.  Later, when we analyzed their fake products along with our original products by HPTLC fingerprinting, they were so obviously inferior that it was like a joke.  If I were one of those who cared only about the profits (though I’ll never be one), I could have sold them fake products with token herbs and made 5 to 10 times more money.  Regardless, these former clients of mine continue to make additional millions of dollars on my name and trademarks.  Hence, I am back from retirement to form my PBN Naturals Worldwide Consortium [PBN = Psilocybin, Baeocystin, Norbaeocystin] to first afford natural PBN mycelia to interested colleagues (researchers & practitioners) by bypassing the synthetic psychedelics that have so many innately toxic unknowns, especially their impurities.  Then, I will deal with synthetics in general (drugs & additives) that may have the right raw materials but widely different finished commercial products.  Since Pharmacopoeias like the USP/NF and AHP or government agencies (FDA, ODS, etc.) don’t deal with commercial products, they all trust manufacturers to be honest to put in the correct ingredients.   Lots of luck!  I don’t have another 100 years to see that happen, if ever!  So, I want to speed up the process for the sake of our posterity.  Hence, my PBN Naturals Consortium to start.  But before doing so, I need a  coding/programming expert to write a program to tie my members/partners and their financial and technical contributions together.

Now, as to my products, the only genuine one I still have on the market is the PhytoChi, produced according to my formula and sold by a Czech company, Phyto.CZ.  Any other companies selling PhytoChi anywhere in the world don’t have the genuine product unless it is from Phyto.CZ.  So, buyers of PhytoChi beware!

4. Synthetics vs Naturals and the Time Element that can be Shortened with Innovative Thinking but not by the Usual Passage of Time.

 The recent Chinese company, DeepSeek, may be a wake-up call for America.  Our capitalism protects only rich companies top down and tend to exploit the workers and the poor, keeping them at the bottom.  These companies will do anything to maintain their monopolistic advantage, with our government’s sanction.  We have been taught to avoid or dismiss a socialistic approach, because  we are a democracy (at least trying to be) for only 250 years, 50 years after we had synthesized our first drug, chloral hydrate.  Our democracy sounded good, but our capitalism probably had started to kill it during the past 2 decades.  The few gazillionaires (can be counted on our fingers) are holding the vast majority of America’s wealth and are exploiting the majority with financial and political help from our government.  Their primary goal is profits for themselves.  Despite getting support from our taxes, they rarely pay any income taxes with an exception, Warren Buffet. 

I think DeepSeek is going to disrupt the status quo in the new artificial intelligence (AI) space, causing a new world order.  Since DeepSeek has made its product(s) open source after having developed them only in months with less than $6 million, as opposed to American tech giants having spent hundreds of $billions (ChatGPT alone >$300B?) over years.  I totally understand how this can happen because in my own fields (drugs, cosmetics, herbs & microbiology), being self-employed except for 5/6 years in industry, I have personally experienced cronyism and the lack of innovation among academic and government agencies, while consulting for, or interacting with, them. 

Despite these, I’ve endured and emerged successful in different fields.  See my story in “My Life & Rollercoaster Career (CreateSpace, 2018)”, in which there is a chapter featuring my beating a world-famous group in a database contract in natural products with the National Caner Institute (NCI) in the 1980s.  My one-person company, along with a small new computer startup as my subcontractor, won the contract but was not awarded the $1million because NCI said it did not have the money.  Sure!  Cronyism!

Regardless, the vicious cycle (VC) has been the most important element in our health and environment in recent human history.  Since the synthetic era began around 200 years ago, we have been synthesizing countless chemicals, both ingestible and non-ingestible.  This process, accompanied by the VC, continues, and is already non-stoppable, causing the deterioration of our environment and health.   If we (esp. Americans) continue to pursue just profits and leave our ill health and ruined environment to our grandchildren and theirs, there is no future for them.  The only option is to follow some narcissistic idiots to go into outer space, leaving behind a ruined earth!  Hence, lack of innovative thinking and compassion in our health scientists is dangerous to human health, especially if they are corrupted by greed and/or ignorance!

Posted 2/15/2025

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