#Colorado has just #legalized #psilocybin, with various stipulations.

I want to #caution my fellow Coloradoans not to mix up the #science of synthetics with that of naturals, ending up treating them as equals, making a mess of our #drugs and #natural #medicines. 

Unlike our #foods and #herbs, all synthetic drugs and additives are #brand-#new to our #planet, never been human-tested to be #safe.  Yet, so far, over the past many decades, the drugs especially, have all turned out to have #toxic #side #effects, some of which have become #new #diseases, like #tardive #dyskinesia.  Why haven’t we seriously tested their 1% to 2% of #impurities legally allowed in them?

As an example, remember the strong action of #LSD.   It is over 100x stronger than psilocybin.   A 1% of it present in psilocybin would double the latter’s #psychedelic effects.   What if LSD’s effects were not psychedelic but, say, liver-damaging or harmful to our immune system?  How are we sure if these impurities will not continue to be present to do us harm?   

For example, how often do we have synthetic psilocybin capsules with no psilocybin, but a tiny dose of LSD mixed in with an inert carrier of plant starch or fiber?   

I have questions on the current synthetic psilocybin (‘crystalline’ included) so widely used in #research and #clinical #trials.  Shouldn’t they be tested for their impurities and #adulterants?  My colleagues and friends, technical or lay, don’t let the advanced sciences, say, #crystallography, bamboozle or distract you from the main goal of our psychedelics used in #mental #healthcare – to repair our body and mind to make us whole again.  We don’t want to take drugs, #prescription or #OTC, to just cope and barely survive.  We don’t want to be sucked into the #vicious #cycle and just take any drugs being thrown at us.  In my long independent career of more than 50 years, I have seen both synthetic and natural #therapeutics at work.  I don’t want us to fall into the vicious cycle of synthetic #psychedelics (e.g., PBN & others).  Hence, I have decided to NOT let natural #shrooms (and the #PBN within them) be replaced by #synthetic #chemicals and go the way many #natural #medicines / #supplements have been heading. 

Therefore, a few of my young colleagues and I are forming a #worldwide #organization to use natural PBN #mycelium to #BYPASS the synthetics (psilocybin, #baeocystin, #norbaeocystin & others) to avoid the toxic effects due to their impurities present in their usually 1% to 2% legally allowed.  We will help our members produce totally clean and natural mycelia containing natural PBN and define their contents so that we will no longer have to guess the amounts of psilocybin’s dosage (along with baeocystin and norbaeocystin, among other #tryptamines) as so commonly practiced in this space. 

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