Much of it is in the vicious cycle, governed by greed. This v.c. only benefits its owners & associates, but gives the rest of us more diseases and miseries. I believe it started with our transition from natural medicines to synthetic chemicals in our modern drug era. Synthetics have since been gradually and steadily replacing our tried-and-true traditional natural medicines. During this period of over 100 years, especially the past 80, we have created a massive confusion that somehow led to our v.c. And the twisted mix of faux sciences applied equally to both synthetic and natural therapeutics, with a heavy dose of politics, have finally landed us where we currently are – a largely unresolvable mess. It’s a mix of drugs and supplements entangled in a big glob of not easily identifiable and separable goodies and baddies In my next post, I’ll offer a glimpse of hope for our younger generations with the recently rediscovered world of fungi, esp. psilocybin mushrooms. But much hard work is still ahead. Stay tuned! hashtag#healthcare hashtag#sickcare hashtag#viciouscycle hashtag#greed hashtag#newdiseases hashtag#syntheticdrugs hashtag#natural hashtag#medicines hashtag#therapies hashtag#politics hashtag#confusion hashtag#sciences hashtag#mushrooms hashtag#fungi hashtag#psilocybin hashtag#herbalsupplements
I want to return to the vicious cycle that I have observed for decades.
It was firmly established when a new drug, Valbenazine (Ingrezza), was approved by our FDA in April, 2017, for treating Tardive Dyskinesia, a totally new disease caused by taking mental-health drugs, along with other drugs to treat their accompanying side effects. The drug scientists might not have known that they were heading down the wrong path to the v.c., but once in it, they should certainly realize its disastrous effects on humans, and stop. But I was wrong! They not only didn’t slow down, but accelerated the marketing pace to be sure our tax dollars, in $billions, are rushed to their coffers in the name of helping TD sufferers. I see no problem if the scientists were so dedicated to their ‘scientific’ pursuit that they simply never realized their achievements were actually causing human pain and suffering. However, when they found out, they would make amends as any decent or honest scientists would. Instead, they sold their soul to the devil. How disappointing! hashtag#viciouscycle hashtag#newdrugs hashtag#mental health hashtag#valbenazine hashtag#ingrezza hashtag#tardivedyskinesia hashtag#drug hashtag#scientists hashtag#human hashtag#painandsuffering hashtag#billionsdollars hashtag#makeamends hashtag#honest hashtag#devil
When does a synthetic chemical become ‘natural’? Is it when the non-natural ones in its impurities reach as low as 1 molecule in 1000 drug molecules or lower, say, in 1 billion?
No one seems to know. I have already discussed this earlier. The “vicious cycle” is the result of the confusion, equating natural chemicals with their synthetic counterparts. Our current advances in scientific measurements should have no problem differentiating the theoretical from the actual. Now that we can synthesize chemicals that are tens, hundreds, or thousands (or more) times stronger in biological activity than those of their natural sister chemicals, 1 molecule in a million molecules of the drug can do us harm. After 80 years making and testing synthetic drugs within our v.c. without success, now on the verge of starting a potential huge natural healing system in our mental health fields, it’s essential that we not let natural hemp and psilocybin mushroom products fall into the v.c. trap again. Join me and my colleagues to publicize and share our new non-synthetic technologies so that their benefits can reach the most people possible, not just a tiny rich few. hashtag#synthetic hashtag#natural hashtag#viciouscycle hashtag#confusing hashtag#impurities hashtag#BigPharma hashtag#mentalhealth hashtag#healing hashtag#psilocybinmushroom hashtag#hemp
INCIDENTAL SCIENCE in drug therapy!?
I have been into both synthetic and natural drugs for 55 years and I’ve learned a lot; still learning. Our efforts spent in healthcare (sick care) are mostly for self-interest, not for the common good. For example, if our expertise is mass spectrometry, we would use this technique to try to do a job no matter how convoluted or irrelevant the outcome, which could have been easily done by simpler, cheaper, and more appropriate techniques. And in drug discovery, whatever new drugs developed depends on our particular specialty (alkaloids, terpenoids, or steroids, etc.) not what is best for any disease targeted.
REACTION SCIENCE is another term I’d like to add to the crowded field of ‘modern’ research terminology. Our immunity is something we always have, inherited from our ancestors. It was ruined by our ‘scientific’ drugs during past decades. Then, some bright minds among our younger generations discovered that it was ‘lost.’ Now, we are trying to catch up with the field of microbiome, using the same scientific approaches we know. Is this yet another lifeforce to be rediscovered which we always had, but lost? hashtag#incidental hashtag#reaction hashtag#science hashtag#drugtherapy hashtag#synthetic hashtag#sickcare hashtag#immunity hashtag#terminology hashtag#microbiome hashtag#lifeforce
What exactly do I mean by the VICIOUS CYCLE?
When inedible, non-ingestible, or potential, highly toxic chemicals (e.g., petrochemicals) are used in synthesizing our drugs or chemical supplements, 2 issues automatically arise.
(1) The drugs themselves are totally brand-new to our planet, so are their accompanying byproducts and intermediates, with which our body and other living systems on earth have never had prior contact.
(2) The drugs are not purified to a uniform, sufficient purity like 100.00% or better (not to mention a 100.000000%), to be DEVOID OF impurities, after purification, which would cause side effects. Hence, all drugs with their ‘normally’ allowed amounts of impurities have side effects at their normal therapeutic doses.
When these drugs cause side effects (some become new diseases), we have no idea what therein causes them, unless we subject every single one of the chemicals making up these impurities to the standard testing protocol applied to new drugs (in vitro, in vivo, small organisms to animals, clinical trials, etc.). Regardless, we treat these new side effects or new diseases with more drugs, new or old. Therefore, when a new drug is used in such situations, it is basically for treating DRUG-CAUSED or MANMADE diseases, e.g., Valbenazine for Tardive Dyskinesia. This is a perpetually lucrative deal for drug makers as they can now make any drug, whether effective or highly toxic, and charge anything they want with impunity. No scientists or consumers seem to dare raise any questions. That’s why I call it the VICIOUS CYCLE, as it only benefits Big Pharma & Associates. And it exploits drug consumers/patients and the rest of us taxpayers who have been brainwashed to pay exorbitant prices as a necessity for drugs.
For these reasons, I strongly believe that our health, like life, is sacrosanct. No one should be allowed to mess with it, let alone exploit it for self-gain and simultaneously ruining our health. This is not much different from taking a life, but slowly, and perpetually repeating the cycle for more consumers or patients (i.e., lives). What do we normally call this, besides my calling it the V.C.? Think about it! As intelligent and honest scientists, unless you were part owner of the V.C., don’t you think there is something wrong with this – something inhuman?
#viciouscycle #inedible #noningestible #toxic #impurities #petrochemicals #chemcial #supplements #purity #devoidof #normal #sideeffects #newdiseases #drugcaused #manmade #BigPharma #takinglives #protocol #drugtesting #exploit #impunity #valbenazine #tardivedyskinesia
We are all educated in the Big-Pharma way, followed by practical training or engaging in a drug-related profession in industry or academia. If you are an exception, the following post (article) is NOT for you. In order for my colleagues to understand what I am talking about, please read my earlier post (article), “A Disruptive Concept in Drug Therapy” here or on my blog: What exactly do I mean by the VICIOUS CYCLE? Please go to my new article, to be uploaded momentarily on LinkedIn… Or you may simply Google my name and the article’s title. It’d probably show up. hashtag#viciouscycle hashtag#BigPharma hashtag#disruptiveconceptindrugtherapy
Natural vs. synthetic: 2. Avoid synthetic psilocybin, baeocystin & norbaeocystin.
As I have repeatedly explained, natural chemicals don’t have the same kind of toxic impurities synthetic ones have. Like those in foods, we already know them to be safe to ingest. Hence, if we have an herbal extract containing 75% of a chemical we seek, we could just use the mixture in therapy. Remember, many of our natural medicines are foods and should be treated as such and not as pharmaceuticals, especially using inappropriate technologies. Our zeroing in on any arbitrary phytochemical and forcing it to meet drug standards has served Big Pharma well. It has facilitated and encouraged the use of synthetics, thus created the vicious cycle. That’s why over the past decades, we have been unable to validate the benefits of any natural medicines. Yet, due to arrogance or ignorance and, above all, GREED, we’ve declared them unscientific and about to relegate a healing system with millennia of human clinical experience, to historical museums. Let’s NOT let this happen to our psilocybin, baeocystin & norbaeocystin. hashtag#naturalhashtag#synthetichashtag#psilocybinhashtag#baeocystinhashtag#norbaeocystinhashtag#impuritieshashtag#foodhashtag#herbhashtag#toxichashtag#medicinehashtag#pharmaceuticalshashtag#phytochemicalhashtag#BigPharmahashtag#viciouscyclehashtag#arrogancehashtag#greed
Natural vs. synthetic: 1. An issue for my colleagues to seriously consider.
Say we have a new chemical freshly synthesized from a reaction mixture, and it only makes up 75% of the mix. The rest is mostly unknown intermediates & byproducts from petrochemicals. We can’t just take it and adjust the drug’s dose to treat patients, because we know there are all these potentially very toxic chemicals in it. They must be removed by a purification process. However, after 80 plus years of continuous efforts by scientists trying to develop new or improved drugs, our efforts have led us to the vicious cycle. The major mistake we have made is the failure to understand the damage these impurities in synthetic drugs can do to patients who take them. Once we are in our v.c., the monetary incentive to maintain the status quo would be too strong for Big Pharma & Associates to do anything about. My next post will address the same mistake applied to psilocybin, baeocystin & norbaeocystin and its ramifications. hashtag#natural hashtag#synthetic hashtag#purity hashtag#petrochemicals hashtag#impurities hashtag#toxic hashtag#byproducts hashtag#viciouscycle hashtag#psilocybin hashtag#baeocystin hashtag#norbaeocystin hashtag#drugs hashtag#BigPharma hashtag#statusquo hashtag#monetaryincentive
My personal message to colleagues and acquaintances:
Please don’t feel offended if I haven’t responded to most of your questions regarding what I have done and can do. For those of you who know me, or at least have read my personal story, I think you already understand my handicaps. Frankly, I no longer have companies to run or competent assistants to help me with all sorts of paper work. Now I am just one old dude and spend most of my time in technical matters, and there are quite a few. Only in recent weeks I have added my long-neglected ‘babies’- baeocystin & norbaeocystin as well as psilocybin. I see immense potential of these in relieving the ills our overstressed society has caused us, along with its vicious cycle established by normal ‘modern’ drug therapy. Whatever I’ll do in collaboration with my like-minded scientists and friends with psilocybin mushrooms will be openly shared around the world so as to prevent any one group to exploit the sick and poor or shut out competition to keep enriching themselves to become billionaires and gazillionaires… hashtag#handicaps hashtag#baeocystin hashtag#norbaeocystin hashtag#psilocybin #hashtag#viciouscycle hashtag#stress hashtag#drugtherapy hashtag#mushrooms hashtag#exploitsick&poor hashtag#competition hashtag#billionaire hashtag#gazillionaire
I believe in fate. You’ll see what I mean if you read my newest book.
Normally, I wouldn’t have graduated from high school, or gotten a college degree. Then, with a mere B average, I was offered a teaching assistantship to go to Michigan to pursue graduate studies. There, I was assigned the project of growing Psilocybe baeocystis in liquid culture. I succeeded in inducing it to produce enough of the psilocybin analogs which I isolated, identified, and named baeocystin and norbaeocystin. That was from 1962 to 1967. Twenty or 30 years of minimal activities followed, though I remember having read about my new compounds being detected in other related fungi, verifying my work. Then, only in the last 2 months was I aware of the flurries of news and activities in psilocybin mushrooms. I quickly realized no one had access to these psilocybin analogs for further research. So only a couple of weeks ago I decided to produce these by fermentation. And here I am, ready to work with only non-greedy individuals. If you are one of those exploiters of human health and miseries, don’t contact me. Otherwise, please do! Sorry for being so blunt. hashtag#fate hashtag#Psilocybebaeocystis hashtag#psilocybin hashtag#baeocystin hashtag#norbaeocystin hashtag#mushrooms hashtag#production hashtag#fermentation hashtag#health hashtag#miseries hashtag#analogs