Re: #CompassPathways (CP) #clinicaltrial with #patented #Crystalline #Synthetic #Psilocybin!

In drug synthesis, for every useful drug, many #useless or #toxic #chemical #byproducts, #intermediates, and #contaminants from #toxic #petroleum are #generated and #discarded.  For sure, they will #pollute and #damage many a #body as well as our #environment.  But look at the immediate surroundings of the synthetic drug #psilocybin (P), before and after it is introduced into our body.  First, how pure is it before it enters our body?  Then, in order to understand how it may work, we explore smaller and smaller entities in our body (e.g., cells, cellular contents, chemicals).  But we seem to have neglected two of the most important things like paying attention to the #impurities of P itself, and how to #relate and #connect all these #details to our #overall #health, such as resolving an #illness and then…  Depending on the synthetic process, the impurities of any given drug vary usually from 1% to 5%.  I believe the #sideeffects are mostly due to these unknown chemicals accompanying the drug, and P is no different. 

           So, let’s assume this patented ‘high-purity’ synthetic crystalline P, owned by CP, contains only 2% impurities.   When you take a good dose of this P, e.g., 20mg (=20,000ug), you’ll have unknowingly ingested 400 ug (0.02×20,000 ug) of some unknown chemical(s).  If this happens to be #LSD, it will give you a big trip, because LSD’s #normal #dose is only about 100 ug!  And 400 ug of impurities made up mostly of LSD would amount to 4 X its normal dose!   What if this is not LSD but another chemical just as strong acting, but toxic; and it attacks the heart, lung, kidney or liver, or another part of the brain!?  As #scientists, shouldn’t we all be concerned?  To my #intelligent and #compassionate #lay #friends, shouldn’t you be concerned too?  If we continue with this so-called #pharmaceuticalgrade synthetic P, with this kind of impurities that are #never #tested, its #unknown and #unwanted side effects will be sure to get you sick.   Doesn’t it make sense to be sure that either synthetic P is tested to contain NO toxic impurities or avoid it altogether by taking the #natural #mycelium or #fruitbody with #PBN that our ancestors used to take, just like the foods and safe herbs they have passed on to us?

              Now, with people like #CompassPathways about to promote and sell synthetic P, we are essentially heading towards the same #deadend of #modern (synthetic) #drugtherapy – the toxic #vicious #cycle (#v.c.)!   I understand their initial concern about using mushrooms when they were starting in their compassionate and innocent former selves before switching to synthetic P.   Simultaneously, I think my naturally-inclined colleagues and friends, despite their good intentions, seem not to know how to get their act together.  After 20-30 years of working in the #PBN space, they don’t seem to have a system to extract themselves from mixing P mushroom with P itself, confusing dosages of the #mushrooms with those of the #entheogen.   Being not scientifically aware, but intimidated and bamboozled by the #complexity and #confusion of Big-Pharma disciples’ #countless #specialties (mixing #appropriate with #inappropriate #sciences), they believe the synthetic P is the only ‘scientific’ way to go, thus unwittingly helping to #perpetuate the v.c.  

           Fortunately, there is pure, natural PBN mycelium.  While the faux scientific synthetic route will sooner or later be forced to deal with its P’s #impurities, our natural PBN products do not have to contend with these brand-new and unknown chemicals.   However, I am sad about this situation because, instead of these P mushrooms and their mycelia with defined PBN helping people with #PTSD, #drugresistant #depression, and other mental problems #rightaway, the best synthetic P can do is continue to spend years to go through the faux science of #clinicaltrials within the v.c. that is already notorious for its benefiting only #BigPharma & Co. but perpetually causing #consumers #pain and #suffering, simultaneously draining our tax dollars.

Right from the start, we will know the contents of PBN in our #intact, #nonextracted (or #nonchemicallymanipulated) #mycelia, because no solvent or unwanted chemicals will be used throughout our process, from #growing to #finished #products.  With mycelia of #analyzed, #defined, and #standardized amounts of #PBN in their respective concentrations, there is no need for #guessing how many #grams of dried P mushrooms is comparable to how many #milligrams of P.  Because of this uncertainty, researchers have gravitated towards synthetic P, as they have been drawn to other synthetic drugs under the #misconception that only #pharmaceuticalgrade is scientific.  Yet they don’t seem to realize that the science they use in drug therapy is inappropriate, which results in their drug-therapy system being a toxic v.c.

NOTE:  I am sometimes slow in keeping up with things.  Have CP #inventors developed the #advancedtechnology to make crystals of individual P molecules without molecules of other chemicals adhering to it, enabling the crystalline P to go directly to what the inventors have decided to be targets for resolving the illness, like #receptors, #genes, or #stemcells in our body?  If so, will someone please direct me to their publication(s)?!  If truly scientific (not faux or promotion), I’ll not openly doubt the inventors/scientists involved with CP again!