The rationale behind my arriving at “A DISRUPTIVE CONCEPT IN DRUG THERAPY” 9th Post

Essential facts and premises for understanding the DISRUPTIVE CONCEPT

These have been discussed in my previous eight posts.  This 9th post is a summary of them as well as on what has been discussed in my recent books, Newsletter, LinkedIn, my blog (, and elsewhere.  Here they are:

  • Drugs are pure chemicals whose identity and quality can be guaranteed by analytical methods well established specifically for chemicals. 
  • Herbs are multichemical entities like foods.  The existing scientific technologies are not appropriate for testing them, unless you assume one or more of these chemicals to fully represent the traditional properties and actions of these herbs/foods.  In that case, we may as well consider caffeine to be coffee and ignore other also-important chemicals like chlorogenic acid (an antioxidant), among many others also present.  Because we have been using the wrong assumptions on coffee and other herbs/foods, and unknowingly applying the wrong sciences in evaluating them, much of the published ‘scientific’ data on herbs is wrong or irrelevant, and hence useless for evaluating the efficacy and safety of the traditional medicines concerned.  For this main reason, I did not revise the 3rd edition of my “Leung’s Encyclopedia of Common Natural Ingredients used in Food, Drugs, and Cosmetics” published by Wiley in 2010.
  • Our body is extremely complex.  Each cell contains myriad chemicals that function independently, and in concert, as well as in communication with other cells in different parts of our body to become an extremely complex, organized, and well-functioning multicellular organism with a mind and memory of its own.  When a brand-new synthetic chemical drug enters our body, it has to try to get to whatever targeted receptor, chemical, or cell that we assume causes us the problem, hoping it would neutralize this target, and make us well again.   It has to get there with no divine guidance, just our hope for it not to bump into too many of these other billions of living chemicals and cells in its path to cause havoc, hence side effects.  It seems the ‘science’ of drug therapy is nothing but letting the drug go through the trial-and-error process as traditional natural medicine had gone through eons ago.  And there doesn’t seem to be any shortcuts in human testing either, but to wait to see what actually would happen, decades, centuries, or even millennia from now.  That’s why time-tested herbs and formulas, by inference, should be safer than synthetics, and are as effective in countering the cause of any illness, should any particular modern drugs happen to also do that, besides plugging symptoms.
  • During my decades of involvement in ‘scientific’ research and manufacture of herbal products, I finally realized around 16 years ago that a modern drug can be prepared by the most advanced scientific technologies in the world, but once it enters our complex body, it’s nothing but trial and error in a world of organized chaos.  This is no different than what happened at the beginning of traditional herbal medicine when our ancestors started using herbs, thousands or countless years ago. 

With the above information, we are now ready to deal with the following two main issues: 

  1. Interrupt the vicious cycle of toxic drugs and introduce/reintroduce the neglected natural therapeutics that have been with us since our human species began on this earth, as alternatives or replacements for modern toxic drugs.
  2. How to start doing the above.

In my next post, the 10th, I’ll address the modernization of herbal supplements and their reintroduction into commerce along with new natural chemical drugs, also called dietary supplements.   Then in my final 11th post, the process of setting up nonprofit and for-minimal-profit organizations will be considered geared at trying to afford such products as a competition and alternative to modern drugs, stressing their safety, identity, and quality.

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