Joe Rogan Podcast #1385 – Paul Stamets (section 36 min – 45 min)…

I don’t personally know Paul, but we have mutual friends, like Dennis McKenna in his documentary, “Fantastic Fungi.” When I went to Michigan for graduate studies in 1962, Paul was only a kid. He couldn’t have witnessed first-hand the psilocybin research in human health yet. As for baeocystin and norbaeocystin, I have first-hand knowledge of them because I am the scientist who first isolated them as new compounds from Psilocybe baeocystis in liquid culture, determining their chemical structures, and giving them appropriate names. However, these findings were not published by my thesis advisor, Ara G. Paul, and me until 1967-1968 in 2 papers. Although Varro E. (Tip) Tyler was Ara’s close friend leading another group in Psilocybe research in Washington, we did our work independently. I don’t know how Paul got his information about baeocystin being toxic, or that Benedict, Tip, and I together named the chemicals. Does anyone know where this information on baeocystin being toxic came from, before I even determined its chemical structure? hashtag#baeocystinhashtag#norbaeocystinhashtag#Joeroganhashtag#podcast1385hashtag#paulstametshashtag#psilocybinhashtag#toxichashtag#firsthandhashtag#liquidculturehashtag#Michiganhashtag#Washingtonhashtag#chemicalstructure

I recommend Joe Rogan’s podcast #1385 featuring Paul Stamets.

Besides this podcast, I also recommend Paul’s documentary, “Fantastic Fungi.” Great piece of work! Take your children to see it. It’ll introduce them to the fantastic world of mushrooms, molds, mycelia, etc., so far still mostly unnoticed. But it will be a part of their future world providing them with solutions to many of their health and environmental problems. In my opinion, the next real breakthrough in medicine will again come from fungi, since penicillin. But this time, the elements involved would not be just one natural chemical, to be followed by endless synthetics. After over 80 years of searching for ‘cures’ for diseases and found none, some of us dedicated scientists are once again alerted to more old clues. They are leading us to new natural remedies among those that are already here waiting to be discovered since we appeared on this planet. They won’t include totally brand-new, unknown synthetic chemicals that are in the vicious cycle. Please see my next post for more details on psilocybin analogs. hashtag#JoeRoganhashtag#PaulStametshashtag#mushroomhashtag#fantasticfungihashtag#childrenhashtag#environmentalhashtag#breakthroughhashtag#fungihashtag#penicillinhashtag#naturalchemicalshashtag#syntheticshashtag#remedieshashtag#viciouscyclehashtag#psilocybinhashtag#moldhashtag#mycelia


Our body is infinitely complex. It functions so well that no man-made gadgets can imitate. God (or evolution) has given us a body whose complexity is beyond our intellect to fathom. It has a unique immune system variously described over time as yin-yang balance or homeostasis, which involves microbes, in and around us, living in harmony with us in a symbiotic existence. It has helped us survive all sorts of deadly diseases over millions of years, until only decades to a century ago. Then, antibiotics, followed by more synthetic drugs, started to drastically weaken our immune system by destroying a key part of our microbiome. Together with our body’s subsequent loss of its self-healing abilities, this has led to its ready susceptibility to mental stress and various infections and illnesses. The toxic drugs cause side effects that in turn lead to new diseases requiring more drugs to treat, hence the vicious cycle.

This is my brief history of the current state of drug treatment in layman terms. The only way to avoid being dragged into this vicious cycle is to bypass it with natural therapeutics, should we need them.   #immunity #viciouscycle  #yinyangbalance #homeostasis #antibiotics #drugs #toxic #microbiome

Recently I have been asked more often by colleagues why I think synthetic drugs are more toxic than natural ones.

Instead of telling you to look for it in my writings, I am quoting just one instance from my most recent book “My Life & Rollercoaster Career” (pp. 95-96), which was in connection with my extraction process for levodopa: “…During my 55 plus years of working with chemicals, the conventional wisdom among chemists is that the synthetic version and the natural version of a chemical are the same as long as they are both pure. But how pure? 98.0% or 99.9%? How about the remaining 2.0% or 0.1% containing a tiny amount of some highly toxic unknown chemical? The USP/NF specifies the purity of levodopa to be containing 98.0% to 102.0%, depending on the analytical methods used. It doesn’t specify 100.00% or even 99.99% (absolute purity or close to it) because the analytical techniques available are not that precise. So, a ‘pure’ chemical always has impurities in it. The impurities in natural chemicals are not brand new to our environment. But those present in synthetic chemicals are totally unknown to us and have absolutely no history of interacting with us. I think you should be aware of these facts.” hashtag#naturalhashtag#synthetichashtag#chemicalshashtag#toxichashtag#USPNFhashtag#levodopahashtag#impurities

Para aquellos que persiguen cbd o psilocibina como alimento o curativa natural, tengo unas palabras de precaución.

He visto 2 industrias que comenzaron con buenas intenciones, pero han terminado en el ciclo vicioso para “Terapia de drogas” que sólo beneficia a Big Pharma & Co.; y en cuanto a la otra industria “Dietary Supplement,” se convertió en un éxito de marketing como el de las drogas, excepto que mezcla hierbas con productos químicos (drogas) y ‘scientific-sounding’ anuncios para lavar el cerebro a los consumidores a comprar sus productos. Ambas industrias confunden la ciencia de laboratorio (‘basada en la evidencia’) con la experiencia humana tradicional (llamada ‘anecdótico’) en un lío enrevesado autogenerado. ¿Quién nos está cuidando, especialmente a nuestras generaciones futuras? ¡Nadie! Si usted quiere hacer lo correcto para comenzar su negocio de cbd o psilocibina con productos químicos naturales y no drogas sintéticas, puedo ayudarle. Soy el primer científico que produje psilocibina, baeocistina y norbaeocistina utilizando la biotecnología. Mírame y lee mi último libro. Si usted es serio, envíame un mensaje. Soy real, pero lo hago sólo por nuestra progenie. hashtag#cbdhashtag#psilocibinahashtag#baeocistinahashtag#hierbashashtag#drogastoxicashashtag#sintéticashashtag#biotecnologíahashtag#ciclovicioso

To those pursuing cbd or psilocybin as a natural healing herb or food, here are a few words of caution from an old hand who has seen 2 industries that started with good intentions but have ended up in a rut.

“Drug Therapy” is now nothing but a vicious cycle benefiting only Big Pharma & Co.; and the “Dietary Supplement” industry is a big marketing success like drug marketing, except it mixes herbs with chemicals (drugs) and ‘scientific-sounding’ ads to brainwash consumers to buy their products. Both industries confuse lab science (called ‘evidence-based’) with traditional human experience (called ‘anecdotal’) in a self-generated convoluted mess. Who is watching over us, especially our younger generations? No one! If you want to do the right thing to start your cbd or psilocybin business with natural chemicals (but not synthetic drugs) to benefit our health, I can help you. I am the first scientist who produced psilocybin and 2 of its sister compounds (baeocystin & norbaeocystin) while in graduate school, using biotech; data all published. Check me out and read my last book. If you are serious, message me. I am real, but I only do this for our progeny. hashtag#cbdhashtag#psilocybinhashtag#herbshashtag#baeocystinhashtag#norbaeocystinhashtag#viciouscyclehashtag#fermentationhashtag#mushroomshashtag#biotechhashtag#foodhashtag#chemical

I must confess that I was an undiagnosed ADHD kid, growing up without drugs. Thank Heavens!

Here is a glimpse from end of 1st chapter of my last book: Looking back at my childhood-to-college years in Asia, I feel very lucky under those circumstances. I somehow ended up finishing high school and college and was going to start a new life in America. First, being admitted to the graduate school of the University of Michigan was not easy with academic records of barely a B-average like mine. And then, being offered a teaching assistantship sight unseen was to me like a miracle. I didn’t realize how lucky I was at the time, but I do now. Without the financial support of Uncle Siu and Auntie Pauline, I would not have gone to college, period, let alone finished it with a Bachelor of Science degree in Pharmacy. And without the teaching assistantship from Michigan, I would not have become a pharmacognosist, specializing in herbal medicine, writing to you today, trying to tell you and the world about what is wrong with our drugs and ‘herbal’ supplements. They can be made much better if we start doing something about them, especially by resetting our priorities towards the less fortunate by forgoing at least part of the excessive profits. hashtag#ADHDhashtag#Michiganhashtag#drugshashtag#herbshashtag#excessprofits

My book-signing event in Fort Collins, Colorado

TO:                 My Fort Collins Neighbors, Alumni, Colleagues and Friends

FROM:            Albert Y Leung, PhD (Herbal Scientist)

RE:                   Book signing event

LOCATION:     2nd & Charles (Front Range Shopping Center)

DATE:             November 9, 2019 (Saturday)

TIME:               2 – 4 pm

This is my 2nd book-signing event at the 2nd & Charles. It is in the Front Range shopping center on Corbett Drive, directly across the parking lot from DSW Shoes

Four of my books will be featured:   

1. Chinese Healing Foods & Herbs (1984) – home remedies based on about 50 commonly used Chinese herbs, 192 pages ($10)

 2. Better Health With (Mostly) Chinese Herbs & Foods (1995) – describes 60 commonly used herbs, 105 pages ($10)

 3. The Life of a Pharmacognosist, a Jack of All Trades (2018) – my memoir from childhood to adulthood, with some key accomplishments, 213 pages ($12, listed $16)

4. My Life & Rollercoaster Career (2018) – memoir + my newsletter (1996-2004), republished in a single volume, 550 pages (see attachment) ($20, listed $26)

 5. E-version of My Life & Rollercoaster Career ($5.49) – not at book-signing, only available directly from  I recommend this one because you can search any topic in the book.                                                            

Previously, when Wiley published my “Encyclopedia of Common Natural Ingredients used in Food, Drugs, and Cosmetics” in 1980, it did all the publicity and marketing, and I never have had to try to sell it. It became one of Wiley’s best sellers, and is now in its 3rd Revision, renamed “Leung’s Encyclopedia of Common…” published in 2010. Now, in the non-technical media, it’s is a totally different experience. It mostly depends on whom you know. Trump and Clinton had their co-‘authors’ or ghost writers and their books became instant best-sellers. Although I am well known in the herbal and associated industries, I have no general-media presence. So I have started to blog: and being recently active on LinkediIn: I am confident my message, as stated on the back cover of my last book, will eventually get across.     

I hope you can make it Saturday (Nov. 9), or at least drop by to check things out. I need all the help I can get to spread my message about herbs and drugs to the general public. It’s more for our grandchildren and beyond. 

Thank you all,


These are the 4 books on sale at the book signing

From my LinkedIn posts

My colleagues & friends, please pardon my extreme tardiness, at times. Being a born slowpoke, I can’t do much about it. Finally, I have caught up with uploading my articles from LinkedIn to my blog. Al fin, todos mis articulos se han sido subidos a mi blog. Siento por la incoveniencia. Desde niño soy un ‘slowpoke.’ Aparentemente, no hay mucho que pueda que hacer. ¡Paciencia! ¡Me lo han dicho muchas veces! hashtag#slowpokehashtag#articlehashtag#bloghashtag#tardiness