I think NOT, as they can adversely affect people’s finances (medicine, food, or shelter) and their health (life or death). They allow a greedy drug maker to prevent others from producing the same drug whether or not it works, thus freely gouging consumers at profits 50X, or even 500X over their costs. They do this apparently without the slightest concern for some of our compatriots who are too poor to afford the drug. As dedicated scientists, we may never think of this. But the people who control the vicious cycle of drug therapy (our big bosses) would not hesitate to prey on the sick with their attendant miseries to enrich themselves. In a recent post, I wondered that our yearly healthcare costs might be in $trillions instead of $billions. Is anyone keeping track of them? With the approval of Valbenazine (Ingrezza), the v.c. was firmly established, providing a perpetual one-way flow of money from us to Big Pharma but offering us no substantial returns. Instead, more drug-caused diseases which require more new drugs to treat, perpetuating the v.c.! Where are our senators, congressmen, and president, who supposedly serve our interests? hashtag#patentshashtag#costshashtag#healthcarehashtag#gouginghashtag#profitshashtag#viciouscyclehashtag#drugtherapyhashtag#Ingrezzahashtag#senatehashtag#congress
¿Un negocio debería beneficiarse de nuestra salud?
La terapia de drogas orientada a los beneficios le ha hecho daño a nuestro país, dando nos su ciclo vicioso. La salud no debe ser parte de esto. Si lo es, debe ser propiedad de los consumidores, los ciudadanos o sin fines de lucro. Necesitamos renovar todo el sistema de salud, especialmente, la terapia de drogas. Creo que nuestras generaciones más jóvenes, siendo más conscientes de nuestro deterioro de la salud general, iniciarían el proceso. Para evitar quedarse atascado con el ciclo vicioso unilateral, no tienen otra opción que tomar la ruta no sintética, porque después de 80 años de ejercicios sintéticos sin verdaderos beneficios para nuestra salud general, necesitamos un descanso de vuelta a la naturaleza. ¡Lo hemos encontrado en setas de psilocibina! Voy a pasar el resto de mi vida para asegurarnos de que esto no conduce de nuevo a los sintéticos como con los suplementos herbales. En su lugar, la psilocibina, la baeocistina y la norbaeocistina se producirán por fermentación y se estandarizarán in situ para la investigación y el tratamiento de enfermedades importantes. hashtag#saludhashtag#terapiahashtag#cicloviciosohashtag#drogashashtag#sintéticoshashtag#cicloviciosohashtag#naturalhashtag#psilocibinahashtag#baeocistinahashtag#norbaeocistinahashtag#fermentaciónhashtag#enfermedadhashtag#investigación
For decades I have been pondering healthcare as a business in a free country. Should anyone profit from it?
Look what profit-oriented drug therapy has done to our country – its well-established vicious cycle only benefits drug-makers and their associates.
Our precious health should not be traded or sold at will. If it is turned into a business, it should be either non-profit or consumer(patient)-owned. Otherwise, it should be run by our government after its REAL ‘swarm’ has been drained.
The whole healthcare system, esp., drug therapy, has to be revamped. I believe our younger generations with their increasingly non-drug and true-prevention approach, would start the process. And to avoid being stuck with the one-sided vicious cycle, they have no choice but to take the non-synthetic route because after 80 years of synthetic exercises without true benefits to our overall health (despite some isolated advances), we need the break back to nature. We have found it in psilocybin mushrooms! I will spend the rest of my life to ensure this does not again lead to synthetics as with herbal supplements. Instead, psilocybin, baeocystin, and norbaeocystin will be produced by fermentation and standardized in situ for research and treatment of major diseases. #healthcare #business #nonprofit #consumer patientowned #government #psilocybin #baeocystin #norbaeocystin #drugtherapy #alternative
Los costos de las drogas no parecen estar con la realidad.
Tomemos la nueva droga, Ingrezza (valbenazina) para tratando una enfermedad causada por tomar las drogas comunes utilizados en enfermedades mentales y sus efectos secundarios asociados. La nueva enfermedad es Tardive Dyskinesia. Cuesta a cada paciente de $200 a $400 al día o de $73.000 a $146.000 al año. Hay medio millón de enfermos de TD en los Estados Unidos. Si sólo la mitad de ellos (250.000) fueron tratado con esta droga, le daría a su fabricante hasta $3.650 millones. Esta cantidad no es mucho menor que los $10.700 millones de las ventas de Eli Lilly & Company en el primer medio año de 2019, según lo informado para este año en C&EN, 12 de agosto de 2019, pág. 13. Aun así, sus ventas anuales serían sólo $21.400 millones. Mientras que Ingrezza por sí misma obtiene 1/6 equivalente a las ventas anuales de Eli Lilly. ¿Qué pasa con el resto? ¿Pueda alguien económicamente inteligente nos explicar a los científicos simples porqué las ventas de drogas se reportan en miles millones pero rara vez, si es que alguna vez, en miles de ‘billiones’ (o ‘trillions’) donde parecen más propensos a pertenecer? hashtag#Ingrezza hashtag#valbenazina hashtag#Tardivedyskinesia hashtag#enfermedades hashtag#costos hashtag#Elililly hashtag#mentales hashtag#billiones hashtag#miles hashtag#millones
The costs of drugs don’t seem to gibe with reality.
Or is it just me who has a problem dealing with big numbers? As an example, let’s take the new drug, Ingrezza (valbenazine), for treating a manmade disease caused by taking common medications used in mental illnesses and their associated side effects. The new disease is Tardive Dyskinesia. It costs each patient $200 to $400 a day or $73,000 to $146,000 a year! There are half a million TD sufferers in the United States. If only half of them (250,000) were treated with this drug, it would afford its manufacturer up to $3.65 billion. This amount is not much lower than the $10.7 billion of Eli Lilly & Company’s sales in the first half year of 2019 for all of its drugs, as reported in C&EN, August 12, 2019, p. 13. Still, its annual sales would be only about $22 billion. While Ingrezza by itself gets 1/6 equivalent of Eli Lilly’s annual sales. Where is the rest hidden? Would someone economically intelligent explain to us plain scientists why drug sales are reported at only $billions but rarely, if ever, in $trillions, where they seem most likely to belong? hashtag#drughashtag#costshashtag#manmadehashtag#newdiseasehashtag#Ingrezzahashtag#mentalillnesseshashtag#drugcausedhashtag#valbenazinehashtag#Elilillyhashtag#tardivedyskinesia $trillionsvsbillions
Después de haber pasado décadas investigando productos químicos y hierbas, incluyendo análogos de psilocibina, tengo serias preocupaciones sobre cómo serán tratados en caso de que se conviertan en terapias.
Consideramos un producto químico natural y su versión sintética idéntica siempre que ambos tengan la misma estructura química y sean puros. Pero, ¿qué tan puro? Realistamente, con incluso 2% impurezas, un producto químico hecho por síntesis y uno aislado de hierbas, puede tener conjuntos totalmente diferentes de sustancias químicas desconocidas, potencialmente tóxicas. Los presentes en la versión sintética son más probables tóxicos, petroquímicos no comestibles, mientras que los presentes en la versión natural son de la misma fuente natural, hierba o alimento. Durante la purificación, se supone que estas impurezas deben ser eliminadas, pero no lo son. Por lo tanto, después de más de 80 años de perseguir la terapia de drogas con sintéticos, hemos creado el ciclo vicioso. A la luz de la mentalidad actual de fiebre de oro en este campo, no cometamos el mismo error con setas psilocibina, baeocistina, y norbaeocistina como hemos con suplementos herbarios. hashtag#psilocybinahashtag#análogoshashtag#baeocistinahashtag#norbaeocistinahashtag#cicloviciosohashtag#naturalhashtag#sintéticahashtag#tóxicoshashtag#petroquímicahashtag#setas
After having spent decades investigating chemicals and herbs, including psilocybin analogs, I have serious concerns about how they’ll be treated should they be turned into therapeutics.
We consider a natural chemical and its synthetic version identical provided they both have the same chemical structure and are pure. But how pure? Realistically, with even 2% impurities, a chemical made by synthesis and one isolated from herbs, can have totally different sets of unknown, potentially toxic chemicals. Those present in the synthetic version are most likely toxic, inedible petrochemicals, while those present in the natural version are from the same natural source, herb or food. During purification, these impurities are supposed to be removed, but are not. Hence, after 80 plus years of pursuing drug therapy with synthetics, we have created the vicious cycle. In light of the current gold-rush mentality in this field, let’s not make the same mistake with psilocybin, baeocystin, and norbaeocystin mushrooms as we have with herbal supplements. See the example of levodopa impurities on pp. 94-96 of my latest book, “My Life & Rollercoaster Caeer.” hashtag#psilocybinhashtag#analogshashtag#baeocystinhashtag#norbaeocystinhashtag#viciouscyclehashtag#levodopahashtag#naturalhashtag#synthetichashtag#toxichashtag#petrochemicalshashtag#mushroomshashtag#impuritieshashtag#hempcbd
Nuestro cuerpo es como un mini-cosmos.
No tenemos idea de cómo llegó. Pero pensamos que Dios lo creó, o a través de la evolución. A pesar de todo, estamos aquí hoy, buscando “curas” para enfermedades o explorando el espacio exterior. Ambos esfuerzos son sólo una pequeña parte de cada entidad. Al ir a la luna y volver, nuestra salud colectiva no se ha visto significativamente afectada, si es que lo hace. Pero en la terapia de drogas, nuestro cuerpo complejo está íntimamente involucrado. Sin utilizar las ciencias apropiadas para abordar los problemas del tiempo y la complejidad de nuestro cuerpo, hemos desperdiciado gran parte de los últimos 80 años de esfuerzos, que terminaron en el ciclo vicioso. Este ciclo se describe ampliamente en mis libros y publicaciones en línea. Para que la terapia de drogas tenga éxito, estos 2 problemas deben ser abordados, de lo contrario la terapia “basada en evidencia” no es más científica que la medicina herbaria. Ambos son ensayo y error, excepto este último tiene la ventaja del tiempo. Por favor, ver mi artículo “A Disruptive Concept in Drug Therapy” en mi LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/albert-leung-9b933913/ o blog: www.ayslcorp.com/blog. hashtag#terapiahashtag#drogashashtag#ensayoyerrorhashtag#cicloviciosohashtag#cienciasapropriadashashtag#tiempohashtag#herbariahashtag#cuerpo
Our body is like a mini-cosmos.
We have no idea how we got it. But we figured God created it, or it got here via evolution. Regardless, we are here today, trying to find ‘cures’ for illnesses or to explore outer space. Both endeavors are only a tiny part of each entity. In going to the moon and back, our collective health has not been significantly affected, if at all. But in drug therapy, our complex body is intimately involved, along with time. Without using the appropriate sciences to address these 2 issues, we have wasted much of the past 80 years’ efforts, with the drugs ending up in the vicious cycle. This vc is described extensively in my books and online posts. Hence, for drug therapy to be safe and effective, these 2 issues must be addressed, otherwise ‘evidence-based’ drug therapy is no more scientific than herbal medicine – both are trial and error, except the latter has the advantage of time, hence safer. For a quick view of why drug therapy is not scientific, with its toxic drugs ending up in the vc, see my article “A Disruptive Concept in Drug Therapy” on my LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/albert-leung-9b933913/ or blog: www.ayslcorp.com/blog. hashtag#minicosmoshashtag#nonscientifichashtag#cosmoshashtag#drugtherapyhashtag#complexhashtag#disruptiveconcepthashtag#herbal
In response to Chi Psilocybin’s post…
I am one who have never taken psychedelics, because I don’t want to lose control of my senses. Since I was plain lucky to have finished college with my uncle & aunt’s support, and was doing graduate studies at U. of Michigan on a teaching assistantship and fellowship, I didn’t want to bring shame to my family for doing something out of character. That was an old Chinese cultural thing. For 5 years, I spent most of my time in the lab culturing Psilocybe baeocystis mycelium and ‘coaxing’ it to produce the highest amounts of 2 new psilocybin analogs. I isolated and identified them, naming them baeocystin and norbaeocystin. That was over 55 yrs ago! And as far as I know, no one has yet mass-produced these compounds. I am ready if you are. The mycelium of P. baeocystis containing specific amounts of psilocybin, baeocystin, and norbaeocystin can be produced by my method using fermentation/biotech. If ingested, the natural mycelium will have the ‘entourage’ effects not found in its synthetic counterparts along with their minute amounts of potentially highly toxic petrochemical byproducts as impurities. hashtag#baeocystinhashtag#norbaeocystinhashtag#psilocybinhashtag#fermentationhashtag#biotechhashtag#myceliumhashtag#psychedelicshashtag#entourageeffectshashtag#syntheticshashtag#toxicimpurities